The Round the Island race in the UK was currently in the news that was held in the Isle of Wight in Cowes. The race held on the first weekend of July this year comprised of four sessions held in a single day. The game had two halves and one could get their pick of everything. End of the day it was an exciting match to watch on Cloudy Bay at all levels.
This race was held about nine days after the summer solstice. The NNW wind was in the high teens and intermittent rain also greeted those who started early in the race. The race course was set to finish at Needles by 5.30. The wind as well as the rain did help to wake up the competitors. The early weather conditions also helped the racers get to a fast start. Concise 10 proved to be the fastest boat on the waters which reached the end point by 6.10 and they made it to St Catherine’s Point by 6.50. Not only did the multi hulls make the best of the conditions, but the monohulls did as well, flying with their skirts lifted up. The first monohull to reach the finishing line was Vol VO 70 Sanya Lan.